Wednesday 28 May 2014

Maize: Nutritional benefits

    Maize or corn as most people call it is one of my favorite food. People see it as a snack but it is  a real meal. Maize is a popular food with pleasant taste and can be eaten on the co . It is a grain that is globally cultivated during spring and summer season .It is typically planted in rows to make it easy to harvest once they mature. We usually often associate corn with the color yellow, but it actually comes in other colors, including white, red, pink and black. Maize is a great option for a healthy and tasty snack.

Maize is a cereal with various nutritional values such as:

* Carbohydrate: One of the nutritional benefits of maize comes from its rich carbohydrate that is derived from its abundant starch. Carbohydrates provides the body with energy. When mature, maize contains carbohydrates other than starch in small amounts, as the maize gets  matured, the sugars decline and starch increases. So it is advisable to eat matures maize as they contain less sugar. Maize flour is also used in the production of bread and various snacks which nourishes our bodies.

*Protein :  Maize, like other cereals, also provides proteins as well but in very small amount

*The high fiber content of maize prevents constipation. This high fiber content condition makes it suitable for diets that are made to lose weight and those made with the aim of lowering cholesterol levels. The fiber in whole grains such as maize helps to prevent the risk of heart diseases and diabetes, and also boost the immune system.

*Maize contains various minerals such as thiamin, magnesium and  phosphorus which helps boost memory, nervous system, maintain growth, kidney function and regulates heart rate. It also reduces stomach acidity.

 Most people are not aware of the numerous health benefits of maize, so they fail to include it in their diet.

Monday 26 May 2014

15 simple principles of life

   The following are a compilation of some very important principles of life I have come across in the course of various studies. There are meant to encourage.

1) Learn to admit your mistakes before someone exaggerates the story.
2) Remember that Ego is just a three letter word, which can destroy a big twelve letter word like relationship.
3) If everyone is happy with you then, surely you have made many compromises in your life.
4) Never think you are nothing, Never think you are everything, but always think you are something and you can achieve anything.
5) Words can hurt your feelings  but silence will break your heart. Learn to speak up
6) Life is a game of TIME. A correct decision is wrong when it is late. Act fast
7) In life if you don't know, ASK. If you don't agree, ARGUE. If you don't like it, SAY IT. But don't start judging silently
8) Life is meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you cant get the same moment twice.
9) Life is not a rehearsal, each day is a new show, so give your best in all you do
10) We will definitely succeed in life if only we follow all the advises we give to others
11) Every story has an end but, in life every ending is just a new beginning. Never give up.
12) There is always another chance for everything in life. But the fact is there is no chance of another life. So dream it, mean it, live it, love it and enjoy it.
13) Confidence helps to set some aim, but self confidence helps to achieve that aim. Never loose your self confidence
14) In the journey of life, we pass through pleasure and pain, there will be sunshine and rain, there will be loss and gain but, we must learn to smile again and again.
15) Life is happier and stress-free if we remember that we cant have all that we desire but God will give us all that we deserve.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Insomnia: Causes and Treatment

    This is one issue that is very common. Insomnia is a persistent disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep or both, Insomnia is the lack of sleep. Even if you’re spending eight hours a night in bed, if you feel drowsy and fatigued during the day, you may be experiencing insomnia. This occurs as a result of stress, sicknesses or our own habits. Insomnia is found in both males and females, but it is more in females due to various hormonal changes.

·         Difficulty falling asleep
·         Taking sleeping pills or alcohol to fall asleep
·         Waking up frequently during the night
·         Feeling tired when awake

Causes of insomnia
·         Various forms of stress
·         Noise
·         Depression
·         Sickness: Various ailment can also cause insomnia.@

Habits to help you sleep
1)      Don’t make your bedroom your office. Avoid doing any paper work in your bedroom.
2)      Try to keep regular bedtime hours.
3)      Avoid falling asleep in front of the television
4)      If you can’t sleep, take a walk round the house and try to read something very boring.
5)      Try to wake up at the same time everyday
6)      Keep your bedroom well ventilated and avoid using bright lights in the bedroom
7)      Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks before going to bed.
8)      Also avoid watching television shows late at night
9)      Avoid stressful situations before going to sleep such as arguments

If Insomnia persists it is best you see your doctor.

Thursday 22 May 2014

High blood pressure: Causes and treatment.

    High blood pressure is one very serious ailment which if not controlled can lead to various heart related diseases as well as other problems in the body. An estimated 1 in 3 adult has high blood pressure, and the condition is dangerous because it often has no symptoms.

   High Blood pressure is the increase in the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. If the force of the blood flow keeps getting high, the tissue that makes up the walls of the arteries gets stretched beyond its healthy limit which will then create problems in several ways. It is a condition that has no symptoms, you can have it and not know you have it , so it is advisable to check your blood pressure regularly. Blood pressure fluctuates depending on the activity you are engaged in, it reduces while you are asleep and rises as you wake up, and actively doing something.

   A normal blood pressure reading ought to be 120/80mmHg or less; anyone with a reading above 120 should see their health care provider. Blood pressure tends to rise with age; this is because your blood vessels become stiffer as you age. However, a healthy diet may help maintain a regular normal blood pressure.

Causes of High blood pressure
1)      Increased amount of salt intake.
2)      Obesity: Over weight leads to an increase in blood pressure.
3)      Stress or anxiety
4)      Too much alcohol consumption
5)      Smoking, smoking damages your blood vessels.
6)      Diabetes

Treatment of High blood pressure

1)      Follow a healthy diet.
2)      Be physically active. Exercise regularly.
3)      Quit smoking.
4)      Reduce alcohol intake.
5)      Reduce the amount of salt you take.
6)      Try to manage stress, relaxing and coping with problems can improve your emotional and physical health.
7)      Medicines .In severe cases medications are prescribed by a physician.

    High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a disease. Even though it usually has no symptoms, it can have deadly health consequences if not treated. 

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Easy steps to loosing weight

      Weight loss is a very sensitive issue that makes people affected by weight gains loose their self-confidence. Controlling one’s weight is all about self-control, will power and finding an appropriate diet that fits .Guilt is the number one enemy of losing weight. Science has proven that we inherit factors that will determine how easy or hard it will be for each of us to gain or loose weight. Our genes are not our destiny, but we can’t pretend there don’t exist, be smart and keep fit.

Always eat when you are hungry: Try to eat when you are hungry, don’t wait till you are completely starved before eating, because research has found out that when you allow yourself to eat when starved, there is a panic attack from the brain at the prospect of starvation and, the cues that tells you that you have had enough are drowned out. So you end up eating more than you ought to.

Deal With stress: Eating is not an anti-dot to stress. Everyone has one stress or the other to deal with, don’t hide behind food, deal with the stress full situation.

Be smart and fit so exercise: There is no way Exercising would be left out in trying to keep fit. Exercise for your heart. You don’t always have to go to a gym. Learn to dance, take a walk, try to skip, try to use the stairs more often instead of the elevator.

Drink a lot of water.

Monday 19 May 2014

The Dangers of excessive alcohol

    ‘’A little alcohol they say makes the heart merry’’. A popular quote used mostly by people who consume a lot of alcohol as an excuse for their drinking. A little alcohol is ok but when it becomes excessive it causes much harm to the body.

    Alcohol is one of the slowest and deadliest killers of our time. It is absorbed directly into  the blood streams through the stomach. However, researchers have been able to prove that a  moderate or mild amounts of alcohol can reduce the risk of developing some types of cardiovascular disease in elderly people.

Here are the dangers of excessive drinking:

1)      Drinking excessive alcohol over a long period of time damages the heart causing high blood pressure and if not managed properly might lead to stroke.

2)      Excessive alcohol causes various liver problems including swelling of the liver and hepatitis.

3)      It increases your risk of having cancer. E.g breast cancer, liver cancer, cancer of the throat  etc

4)      It affects the working of the brain and causes a change in moods  , loss of memory, and hallucinations

5)      weakness and loss of muscle tissue

6)      It causes stomach ulcers

7)      loss of sensation in hands and feet

8)      It causes impotency in men.


    Most alcoholics drink to get away from various problems in their lives, but the funny thing is that when you are sober the problems are still there. So the next time you want to indulge in excessive alcohol consumption think of the risk involved.

Friday 16 May 2014

Banana – Be a monkey and eat your way to health

    When it comes to bananas, am the best human monkey in the world(laughs), oh yes, giving me bananas to keep is like giving a fish to a cat to watch over. Bananas are not just for monkeys , they contain a lot of vitamins required by our bodies for good health.

1.       Banana Improves mood and reduce PMS symptoms, which regulates blood sugar and produces stress-relieving relaxation. It also helps overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin (the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter).

2.       Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of white blood cells, all due to high levels of vitamin B-6.

3.       It strengthens your blood and relieve anemia with its iron content.

4.       Eating bananas aids digestion

5.       Bananas are the only raw fruit that can be consumed without distress to relieve stomach ulcers by coating the lining of the stomach against corrosive acids.

6.       Bananas make you smarter and help with learning by making you more alert.

7.       Eating a banana can lower the body temperature and cool you during a fever or on a hot day.

8.       Bananas are high in antioxidants, providing free radicals and protection from chronic disease.



The Male Child Syndrome and girl education.

    I used to think that the issue of a male child was peculiar only to Africa , but how wrong I was. A few days ago in a chat room, an Indian girl was very sad and complained about an issue , but everyone laughed at her because she is such a drama queen. Later I talked with her in the midst of the laughter  and this was her issue ‘’she said she would love to be educated  in a university located in another city and she told her father her plans but all her father talks to her about is how to be a good wife, how to respect her in-laws, how to please her husband. When she complains  her father replies her that she is not a boy so she cant be educated . This makes her feel sad and gives her the impression that she is just like an animal been reared for marriage’’

   This young lady is just an example of what so many girls go through in different countries. Every human being is equal. Yes we know the man is the head of the house, a little educating of the woman will not change the fact that the man is the head of the home.

    Two-thirds of the world's uneducated children are girls, and two-thirds of the world's illiterate adults are women. Around the world, girls and women continue to suffer from a lack of economic opportunity, inadequate health care and education, early marriage, sexual violence, and discrimination. Numerous studies have demonstrated that educating women and girls is the single most effective strategy to ensure the well-being and health of children, and the long-term success of developing economies.


1)      Education leads to greater self-esteem and self-confidence, and opens up new horizons for girls, enabling them to discover their own potential, to develop themselves fully and increase their resistance to gender discrimination

2)      Education helps girls and women to have a positive impact on their families: better childcare (vaccination, schooling, etc.), better nutrition, decrease in child mortality, better communication with the children and other family members

3)      Education heightens women’s awareness of the important role they can play in the community and society to find solutions to problems that impede development and social stability. Survival rates, schooling and community productivity increase as a result of women’s education, with a corresponding decrease in mother and infant mortality rates. The community and society thus become more prosperous.

4)      With the awareness of her role as citizen, an educated woman can play a more dynamic role in addressing the economic challenges faced by her country, in the areas of agricultural production, food self-sufficiency, the fight against environmental degradation, the use and conservation of water and energy.

Thursday 15 May 2014

Coconut (The life saver)

   This is one fruit I hardly buy or eat, because its so hard and full of fiber. But, my mentally about this fruit has completely changed now.

   Coconuts are a very common fruit, found almost everywhere especially in the tropics. It is a life saving fruit. Yes, I repeat a life saving fruit. It is one of the wonder fruits on earth with multiple health benefits which includes:

1) It improves digestion

2)Lowers cholesterol

3)Stabilizes glucose levels

4)Increase metabolism

5) Builds cells

6) Fights infection

7) Ward off wrinkles

   Other valuable products are made from the coconut fruit which are also very beneficial e.g.

Coconut oil : used for cooking, when used as a cream it rids the skin of dangerous toxins, It protects your teeth from bacteria and cavities, cooking with coconut oil help you to loose weight.

 Coconut is also used in the production of various creams both for skin and hair care.

Love Yourself

   This one thing majority of us are guilty of. We don't have self love. Let me begin today's blog with a short, funny but educative story I read on Facebook yesterday.

  ''There was an elderly lady sitting at the corner of a road probably begging for alms, and there was this room close-by. She noticed a smiling dog walk into the room and few minutes later the dog came out very happy. After some time a growling dog entered the same room and came out few minutes later with the worse kind of growling she has ever heard. Curiously she wondered within herself, what could be in that room that made one dog so happy and the other so angry. She got up from where she sat and went to the room, but to her surprise no one was in the room just a lot of mirrors hanging on the walls of the room. Then she smiled because now she knew what happened to the dogs. The happy dog saw a reflection of more happy dogs and left the room more happy, while the growling dog saw more bitter and angry dogs staring at him from the mirror and left the room more angry''

   So  it is in life What you are within attracts same to you. If you complain all the time and don't love yourself, how do you expect other people to love you? Everything that happens to us in life is a reflection of who we really are within. Here are a few guide to help you love yourself

1) You are not perfect and you never will , so stop trying to be perfect. Be yourself.

2) You were born alone so stop comparing yourself to others. Always be grateful for what you have.

3)Live in the reality of now. Don't be a wishful thinker. Love yourself the way you are now.

4)Take time to build yourself, remember that popular saying that there is no hurry in life. We will all get to our destination, don't be so much in a hurry.

5)Stop torturing yourself for past mistakes. Learn to forgive yourself and start again remember life is short.

6) Always speak positive things to yourself. Remember that our words are who we are.

7)Always do what you love not what others love.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Motivating Your Employees

I read human resources for my second degree, so my blog definitely won’t be complete without a little employee related issues (laughs).There is a general believe that human beings have the natural tendency to be lazy with regards to work and is being forced by circumstances to work.

   Motivation by definition refers to what activates, directs human behavior and how this behavior is sustained to achieve a particular goal. It is also the process of supplying an incentive, adequate to induce deliberate and purposeful action.

     Employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company’s workers apply to their jobs. In the increasingly competitive business environment of recent years, finding ways to motivate employees has become a pressing concern for many managers.

What motivates Employees?

WAGES /SALARIES: Money can motivate, that is, it can influence action and encourage extra effort, extra creativity or any other kind of non-routine performance. But, money can only motivate workers if it is substantial and comes regularly.

JOB SECURITY: Until recently, university graduates preferred the securing of jobs which the civil service provides to the white collar jobs in the industry. This is to say then that the more a job is secured, the more one is able to work harder since the ultimate is known. However, to allay fears of workers, procedures for promotion, grievance, discipline and termination must be spelt out within the work place.

PROMOTION: Promotion is given as recognition of the individual’s performance on the job. However, to justify this recognition, the employee promoted puts in more effort in his work. Promotion puts new life in the individual and activates his knowledge and skills. However, the motivating effect of promotion is high.

JOB ENRICHMENT : Job enrichment means that additional motivators are added to the job so that it is more rewarding , although the term has come to apply to any efforts to humanize jobs. It is an improvement on job enlargement that sought to give workers a wide variety of duties to build their roles. However, the two terms are used interchangeably. In fact, the result of job enrichment is really a role that encourages growth and self-actualization. The job is built in such a way that natural activation is encouraged. Because motivation is increased, work performance should also improve, thus providing both a more human job and a more productive job. In this manner, both the worker and society benefit. The worker performs better, has more job satisfaction, and is more self-actualized, thus being able to participate in all life roles more effectively. Society benefits from the more effectively functioning person as well as the more effective job performance

FEAR MOTIVATION: Fear as a motivator is one of the oldest and perhaps the most widely used form of motivating workers. This type of motivation plants fear in the minds of employees and employee get things done in the platform of threat or punishment, loss of job or dismissal, loss of facilities to the workers who does not conform to laid down rules and regulations and loss of status.

The Importance of Motivation

Motivation can have an effect on the output of your business and concerns both quantity and quality. See it this way: your business relies heavily on the efficiency of your production staff to make sure that products are manufactured in numbers that meet demand for the week. If these employees lack the motivation to produce completed products to meet the demand, then you face a problem leading to disastrous consequences. The number of scenarios is extreme but you get the general picture.

Your employees are your greatest asset and no matter how efficient your technology and equipment may be, it is no match for the effectiveness and efficiency of your staff so motivate your staff.



Whistle while you work.

    Have you ever had a lot of work to do, and you are so worried about how to go about it then, all of a sudden you play one of your  favorite music and ,you discover some unknown energy come upon you and the strength to accomplish all your task and even more just comes to you? Yeah, I have experienced that a number of times. I work more when I play music especially if I know the song and sing along as I work. Music is an energy booster.

   When you listen to music, a part of your brain called the nucleus acumen activates. This triggers the release of the “pleasure chemical” dopamine that lives in a group of neurons in your brain : In biological terms, melodious sounds help encourage the release of dopamine in the reward area of the brain.

   People’s minds tend to wander, and we know that a wandering mind is an unhappy mind.  Most of the time when our minds wonder, we are focusing on the imperfections of life. Music can bring us back to the present moment.

   When you’re presented with new information that’s complicated, and it takes more focus and mental energy for you to grasp and apply that knowledge. All you have to do is listen to the music you like and inner strength to accomplish the task will surface, this is because, listening to music you like is pleasurable, it will not only make the task seem more fun but as research shows, it can actually help you complete the task faster.


  So when next you are confronted with a very difficult task at the workplace or in your home, just listen to some music and you would be able to think clearly and work faster.

Tuesday 13 May 2014


   Many people are afraid to get old; this is because of the various difficulties associated with aging.Yes, getting older is filled with emotional issues, including fears of losing one's independence or getting a serious illness. Aging gracefully isn't always easy, but attitude matters a lot. Our society is very obsessed with pointing out negative aspects of aging; don’t get bogged down with all the hype about aging. Once you start thinking about it, it can drive you mad. There's nothing you can do; the clock is going to tick away. Here are a few tips to help you age gracefully.

Be Cheerful: Aging with a bad attitude is simply out of the question. Depression is a real threat among the old; some drift into isolation, bitterness, and a sense of meaninglessness. Still others put up their faces, determined to go down swinging. Be happy and cheerful.

 Be a Survivor: It's true that aging brings hardships, but remember that the old are survivors. Wisdom, resilience and a mature perspective are often cited as the hard-won prizes of aging. But growing old itself is an accomplishment. Through good luck or good genes or both, the old have dodged fatal accidents, premature disease, and other things that kill the young. The people who do the best with aging aren't thinking that much about getting older, they're not really focusing on what's not working anymore. If you sit around mulling over the meaning of existence and how time is running out, you're building in a scenario where you're not going to age as successfully.

 Accept Change:  Accept the inevitable changes of aging, rather than seeing them as aberrant crises. To age gracefully, one needs to anticipate the changes that are inevitable and plan ahead. People who think rigidly tend to get overwhelmed. They can't manage it, and they get depressed.

 Avoid Stereotypes: Get over your own stereotypes about growing older. It’s not disgraceful to mourn the loss of your beauty, 

Find Meaningful Activities: Continue to find meaning later in life. Retirement has always been a time when we see people withdraw from their roles, some older people succumb to depression and a sense of meaninglessness. Part of the challenge of aging gracefully is that you have to continue to find things that are important to you. That could include travel, spiritual pursuits, hobbies, new social groups, lifelong learning, or recapturing time with family. Plan for purposeful activities before you retire.


Good Kharma

I came across this nice write up written by The Dalai Lama. Just read and think over it. If everyone can have this as their guide to life, the world would be a better place.


1) Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk

2) When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.

3) Follow the three R’s in life: Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions.

4) Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

5) Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

6) Don’t let a little dispute injure a great relationship.

7) When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

8) Spend some time alone every day.

9) Open your arms to change, but don’t give up your values.

10) Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer

11) Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.

12) A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.

13) In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.

14) Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.

15) Be gentle with the earth.

16) Once a year, go to a place you have never been before and enjoy.

17) Remember the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

18) Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

19) Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.





   Long distance relationships are definitely risky, and if you are unfortunate enough to be far away from a significant other, the prospect of potentially ruining your relationship can seem daunting. However, long distance relationships aren't so difficult that they're impossible. Simple adjustments to your attitude and lifestyle can help you keep that loved one in your life.

1)Ask the important questions at the onset of the relationship to make sure you are both clear on the parameters of the relationship. First of all name your relationship (i.e. :dating, seeing each other, boyfriend-girlfriend, engaged).

2) Communicate in some way every day, more than once if possible. Since you won't be seeing each other, it's important to establish and maintain an emotional connection.

3) Avoid the temptation to be controlling. People have free will and no one can or should control another person. As long as you are both interested in being in the relationship, you will stick with it and distance will not make a difference. You are going to have to trust each other completely if you want the relationship to work.

4) It always helps if you go in a relationship with the idea that everyone is innocent and worthy of trust until proven otherwise. Don't fall in the trap of interrogating your partner every time he/she decides to go out for a drink with people you haven't met or he/she didn't get back to you right away when you called and left a message. Just because you are in a long-distance relationship doesn't mean your lives will pause.

5) Talk about your future together. Assuming that ultimately you'd want to live together, discussing how you're going to get to that point will help you prove to each other that the relationship is going somewhere and that your efforts and frustrations are not in vain.

6) Visit often. Try to make the time to visit each other as often as possible or as often as your budget permits you to. A relationship cannot thrive if the only thing you have is the phone call. You need to see each other up close and personal every chance you get.

7) Be positive. Staying positive and not focusing on the negative aspects of a long-distance relationship is essential to keeping your relationship blooming. Being away from your sweetheart is not all bad news. Use the opportunity of personal time to pursue your interests and hobbies as well as your career objectives.

Monday 12 May 2014

Be mindful of your words

I got the story below from a very close friend of mine Sil this morning, and had to share it because it did inspire me . Please read and I hope it does inspire you too.

  ''When I was a child, my mom always prepares food for us. One night in particular when she had  made dinner after a long day's work, mom placed a plate of subzi (Indian curry) and extremely burnt roti(bread) in front of my dad.

   I was waiting to see if anyone noticed the burnt roti. But, Dad just ate his roti and asked me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember I heard mom apologizing to dad for the burnt roti.

   Later that night, I went to kiss dad, good night and I asked him if he really liked his roti burnt. He wrapped me in his arms and said: '' Your mom put in a long hard day at work today and she was really tired. And besides he said a burnt roti never hurts anyone but harsh words do!''

You know life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people. Learn to accept peoples faults and choose to celebrate relationships. Life is too short to wake up with regrets! Love the people who make you happy and forget the ones who don't. Enjoy life while you still can and learn to be good to others. Treat people with respect, be mindful of harsh words.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Benefits of Tumeric

 Some years back I used to work in a restaurant and I remember we use turmeric powder as part of the recipe in the preparation of rice. I know also that the only reason we use it as part of the recipe is because of the lovely colour it gives to the food little did we know that the yellow turmeric powder is a very nutritional spice.

Turmeric, is an orange-colored spice imported from India, and part of the ginger family

   I read about the health benefit of this yellow turmeric powder about a year ago and decided to share my knowledge on it.

1)      It’s a natural antiflamatory spice: it helps prevents gas and bloating

2)      Natural antibiotics : Lowers cholesterol

3)      Natural antiseptic : Heals stomach ulcers

4)      Natural analgesic : improves skin conditions such as eczema

5)      Improves digestion

6)      Blood purifier

7)      Speeds up wounds healing

8)      Improves asthma

9)      Helps in the prevention of various cancers, turmeric’s powerful antioxidant properties fight       cancer-causing free radicals, reducing or preventing some of the damage they can cause. 

10)    Aids in fat metabolism and weight management

11)   Reduces the side effect of chemotherapy

It’s inexpensive, mild in taste, and benefits every system in the body. Adding this powerful plant to your diet is one of the best things you can do for long term health.


Friday 9 May 2014

Attaining Peace of mind

    Peace of mind is something most people don't have, they smile at you but, wrestle all the time with their inner mind.

Here are some few tips to free your mind:

* Talk to God : Seek the opinion of your creator, and ask the purpose of your existence. Pray about it.

* Believe in yourself:  Always believe in yourself that you can do anything. If you don't believe in yourself how then do you want others to believe in you

* Be responsible: You are the driver of your own destiny, be humble and own up to all your actions

* Read Books : Read books so you can learn because no one knows it all. Especially motivational books. Learn from people's stories, mistakes and achievements.

* Be focused and determined and you will achieve all your dreams.

* Always do the things you love, and love what you do, and the road to having peace in your mind will not be far from you.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Beauty tips for ladies.

  Every woman including myself wants to look chic and young always. Here are a few simple tips to having a glowing skin and balanced make-up.

1) Vitamin c improves collagen formation as well as skin firmness

2) Washing your face with water. The colder the water, the more it wakes you up and tighten the face.

3) When applying make-up always exaggerate either the eyes or the mouth not both

4) It is important to remember to keep make-up in balance and not go overboard in multiple areas of the face.

5) Drink a lot of water, and eat fruits it makes your skin glow and fresh.

   Finally if possible, keep skincare, make-up and face packs in the fridge. They last longer and make-up stays fresh and elasticized, making it much easier and more pleasant to apply.

Education and Working Women

    With all the campaign on ''Bring back our girls'', I have been inspired to write about educating women and the career woman syndrome.

     More women are getting educated in Nigeria lately especially in the northern parts. Some of the most qualified women are, actually from the northern part of the country. Women are not ''rubber stamps'' or slaves, and a girl education is never a waste of money.

  Every human being irrespective of gender has a right to be who they want to be in life. Humans were created to work men and women alike, so women too can be educated and work as well as men. Traditionally in remote parts of the country, it is believed that a woman's place is in the home at the side of her husband and if educated and work, they might loose their feminine nature. But the type of work available in recent times are not the hard labour types, but jobs based on skills and education that women are very good at, so gender doesn't really matter. Moreover children and teenagers are running businesses on the internet lately, so likewise women can also work from home.

They are various businesses that don't require you going  to an office  daily, so ladies don't have to be deceived by the ''career women''  syndrome. You can work from wherever you are, just find something you are really good at and start off.

Every woman has been created for a special purpose and every woman has a specific field that her name will define.

Dedicated to the'' Save Our Girls Campaign''

Monday 5 May 2014

Anyone can cook

   I often always get shocked when I hear people especially ladies saying they cant cook. More so with the addition of various cooking channels both on cable and local television stations. The famous Disney movie 'Ratatouille' states that "Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great.".Yeah really anyone can cook its a fact.

    Cooking is the process of preparing food by applying heat selecting, measuring and combing ingredient's. It is about the ways in which food is transformed by applying heat to it.
So why then cant some people cook?
Cooking is all about interest, don't be shy , get a cookery book, read through it, select a meal, buy the ingredients, and practice till you feel your food can be eaten by someone else. Better still you can get a close friend to teach you and guide you through the cooking process.


The Power of Corruption

   ''Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria's call obey. To serve our fatherland. With love and strength and faith'' listening to the national anthem on a radio station earlier today and was wondering how many of us are really obeying that clarion call.

First and foremost what is corruption?

   Corruption is any abuse of a position of trust to gain an unfair advantage. This includes both corrupting someone else and being corrupted oneself. It is also the abuse of public resources to enrich or give unfair advantage to individuals, their family or their friends. Corruption summarily is a dishonest actions.

  We blame everything on the government, but deep down in our minds majority of us are more corrupt than the government. How you may ask?

What would you call a parent who pays a teacher to make his child pass an exam?
What about a student who writes an exam in a special Centre so he/she can cheat to pass?
What would you call a person who bribes to be promoted in a job?
Or the person who pays to beat a queue?

   I can go on and on but the bottom line is that we are all corrupt one way or the other no man is a saint so instead of pointing accusing fingers to the government, why not we all try to make an effort to be honest in everything we do and gradually our country would change for the better.

Sunday 4 May 2014

What do women want in relationship

    mmmmmmmmm (sighs), this is a bit tough because, I as a woman most times don't know what I want. Women are very complex beings, and getting what they want in general is usually a very difficult task. What one woman likes in a relationship is different from what another woman wants. Me for instance I like a man who can cook, but to some ladies a man that can cook is an abomination , they would prefer their men to depend on them for daily meals.

   Generally here are a few of what I think most women want (just my view)

1) Security : Every woman wants to be protected by her partner no matter how wealthy that lady is. Security can be in the form of defense or monetary value. This is why most girls would marry for money and not for love.

2) Affection: Women love to be cared for, pampered like a child and adored all the time( though in reality men don't have the time for this)

3) Appreciated : All women love to be appreciated for a job well done by their partners

4) Admired: I think this ought to be the 1st point (laughs), all women love to be told they are beautiful over and over again.

What do you think women want????

Have Some Fun

   I often wonder how people wake up so early to go to work, and return home late at night week in  and week out, without creating some time to have a little fun and relax. The human body is not a machine that can work all year round without getting tired. Our bodies need time to rest and reboot our energy levels.

  We work to make money , that would enable us live well, but I ask what is the point of working if you cant even spare a day to relax and enjoy all that wealth you are acquiring? Who then are you acquiring the wealth for? Your corpse?

   Life is short, Enjoy it while you still can, Live Freely and be happy.