Thursday, 10 July 2014

Causes of Infertility in both men and women

      Infertility is one issue that is gradually on the increase across the world today. It is the inability to conceive. Studies have indicated that slightly over half of all cases of infertility are a result of female conditions, while the rest are caused by either sperm disorders or other factors. It has been estimated that about one in six couples faces difficulties in conceiving. If you've been having regular unprotected sex for more than a year and are still not pregnant, you may begin to wonder if you have a fertility problem. Infertility is not always a woman's problem; both women and men do have problems that cause infertility.
Causes of infertility
1)      The consumption of alcohol in excess can lower fertility especially in men.
2)      Excess thyroid hormone can interrupt the menstrual cycle or cause infertility.
3)      Environmental toxins: Exposure to some chemicals including pesticides and lead can make you infertile.
4)      Sexually transmitted diseases if not treated on time can also lead to infertility.
5)      Ovulation disorders, which hinder or prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs.
6)      Treatment for cancer can cause infertility. Radiation and Chemotherapy treatment used for curing cancer can make you sterile.
7)      Abnormal sperm production or function due to various problems, such as undescended testicles, or genetic defects.
8)      Smoking of cigarettes causes infertility. Smoking significantly increases the risk of infertility in both men and women. Smoking may also undermine the effects of fertility treatment.
9)      Serious health conditions such as kidney diseases can result in infertility
10)  Obesity can make you infertile.
11)  Uterine or cervical abnormalities in women. Fibroids may distort the uterine cavity interfering with implantation of the fertilized egg.
12)  Stress : female ovulation and sperm production can be affected by stress
13)  Amenorrhea : the absence of menstruation

If you are having any infertility problem it is best to see your doctor or gynecologist.

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