Thursday 8 May 2014

Education and Working Women

    With all the campaign on ''Bring back our girls'', I have been inspired to write about educating women and the career woman syndrome.

     More women are getting educated in Nigeria lately especially in the northern parts. Some of the most qualified women are, actually from the northern part of the country. Women are not ''rubber stamps'' or slaves, and a girl education is never a waste of money.

  Every human being irrespective of gender has a right to be who they want to be in life. Humans were created to work men and women alike, so women too can be educated and work as well as men. Traditionally in remote parts of the country, it is believed that a woman's place is in the home at the side of her husband and if educated and work, they might loose their feminine nature. But the type of work available in recent times are not the hard labour types, but jobs based on skills and education that women are very good at, so gender doesn't really matter. Moreover children and teenagers are running businesses on the internet lately, so likewise women can also work from home.

They are various businesses that don't require you going  to an office  daily, so ladies don't have to be deceived by the ''career women''  syndrome. You can work from wherever you are, just find something you are really good at and start off.

Every woman has been created for a special purpose and every woman has a specific field that her name will define.

Dedicated to the'' Save Our Girls Campaign''

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