Sunday, 31 August 2014

Essence of Having Patience in Life and Business

     In our ever growing global society of today, patience is one virtue that is very hard to come by. Everyone is in a hurry to achieve one goal or the other in life that no one has a little time to wait and ponder before diving in. Patience is the act of waiting, been calm, not reacting swiftly, pondering over issues before taking a decision. It is the ability to control one’s emotions or impulses and proceed calmly when faced with difficult situations. Patience is one of the best virtues to have in life as the benefits we gain from patience are unique; and there is no substitute for it. 

Benefit of been Patient

1)      Good listeners: Been patient enables us to be very good listeners, this helps us to act more precisely and not take rash decisions.
2)      Pleasant personality: Having patience makes it easy for people to be around you. This is because you are not easily irritated or angered. No one wants to be friends with people who get angry easily.
3)      Empathy: A patient mind is the only mind that can accommodate the thoughts of others pain and suffering. Patience takes you away from the ‘’me alone’’ syndrome. When you are in a hurry to do things, you really don’t care if you hurt someone as long as you achieve what you want, but patience gives us the opportunity to think of others as we try to achieve the set goals enabling us to put ourselves in their own shoes and decide the right path to take that won’t hurt so much people. It’s easy to make quick judgments about the value of our staffs or projects, but in most cases it’s only by being patient that we know if our judgments are accurate
4)      Growth: Patience fosters growth. It makes us see clearly what we are about to embark on. This is done by watering, feeding and tending to those aspects of our lives and business where we want growth.
5)      Reduces Stress: When you are patient, your stress is reduced as a result of your not jumping to quick conclusions and not in a hurry to achieve some goals.

    Having patience can help you endure a long wait, feel better about yourself, and make you more pleasant to be around generally. It is a virtue that we must have to go through life’s journey.

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