Friday 27 June 2014

Mango: More than just a fruit

      Mangoes are sweet and tasty. They are seasonal fruits which are in abundant supply during summer periods. India is the main Mango producing country in the world, and it is believed that mangoes have been cultivated there for over 4,000 years. They are over 300 varieties of mango species all over the world. The colour of the fruit varies from orange, yellow and green. Some of the benefits of mangoes include:

1)      Improves digestion:  Mango helps in improving digestion because it is very rich in fibres. Fibres help in good bowel movement.
2)      Maintains body alkali: Mango contains Tartaric acid, malic acid and citric acid which maintain the percentage of alkali in the body.
3)      Lowers Cholesterol: Mangoes contain large amount of fiber, protein and Vitamin C and these elements helps in lowering the cholesterol level in the body.
4)      Dandruff reduction: Mango contains vitamin A which helps in fighting dandruff and adding shine to your hair. It is often used as an ingredient in hair moisturizers.
5)      Prevents stroke : Mangoes are also known to prevent strokes as they control homocystiene levels in the blood
6)      Glowing Skin: it is a great source of antioxidants  which keep your skin healthy and glowing
7)      Protects against cancer: The antioxidant compounds in mangoes also protects you from cancer.
8)      Improves vision: Mangoes contains high dosage of Vitamin A or Retinol which helps protect eye sight.
9)      Increases fertility: Mangoes are very rich in folic acid which helps in improving fertility.
10)  Prevents diabetes: Mangoes contain natural sugars.
11)  Rich in vitamin E: Mangoes are rich in Vitamin E, which helps increase and improve the sex drive in humans. 

Mangoes should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Eating unripe mangoes can lead to indigestion, constipation and blood impurities.

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