Monday 2 June 2014

The Amazing benefits of Natural Honey

  What comes to your mind when you think of honey? Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Yes honey is sweet, infact very very sweet. It is often used in place of sugar as a sweeter in drinks and foods. It is a syrup produced by the ever busy bees, and used everywhere in the world. Honey is so sweet and comforting that many people do not know of its many benefits. 

1)      Honey is a natural energy booster. It is a natural source of carbohydrate which provides the body with energy and strength.
2)      Honey lowers blood sugar levels and reduces metabolic stress.
3)      Natural honey is rich in potassium, an electrolyte, which conducts nerve impulses and helps the brain’s neurotransmitters to work properly.
4)      Honey soothes and lubricates a sore throat. Honey not only soothes sore throats but can also kill certain bacteria that causes the infection.
5)      Honey makes us sleep well. The natural sugar found in honey raises our insulin slightly and allows tryptophan the compound famous for making us sleepy to act.
6)      It heals cut and bruises: simply put a little honey on that bruised skin and cover with plaster or bandage. It also helps in the healing of burns.
7)      It is a powerful immune booster by improving our digestive system and helps in fighting diseases.
8)      Honey moisturizes the skin hence it is used in the manufacture of various skin products
9)      A mixture of honey and lemon can help you loose weight.
10)  The antioxidants in honey are a cholesterol fighter and have the potential to protect against heart disease. 

Honey possesses unique life-supporting qualities not found in other sugars and delivers much more.

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