Wednesday 18 June 2014

What women should know about breast cancer prevention

    Cancer! Cancer!! Cancer!!! Cancers are the new killers .There are various forms of cancers but women are affected most by breast cancer. Breast cancer is associated with a state of excess estrogens, known as estrogen dominance. Uterine fibroids, breast cysts, PMS and infertility can be related to estrogen dominance in the body. Food most certainly is regarded as the best medicine, but it can also be the biggest poison in our body system, remember we are what we eat. But there are some things we can do to prevent breast cancer as women.

1)      Keep a healthy lifestyle. Don’t smoke, and try as much as possible to reduce alcohol intake. Overweight, inactivity and alcohol all increase risk for breast cancer, and smoking increases risk in some women. Alcohol changes the way estrogen is metabolized in our body, which can lead to estrogen dominance. Women who drink alcohol have higher body estrogen levels than those who don’t.
2)      Do regular breast self-exams and breast massage.
3)      Breast-feed your babies for as long as possible. Forget about your breast sagging, you are indirectly saving your own life by breast-feeding your baby. Women, who breast-feed their babies for over six months or more, have a reduced risk of developing breast cancer.
4)      Exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise reduce the risk of breast cancer development, by changing the metabolism of estrogen in our body.
5)      Eat antioxidant-rich foods like organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and healthy fats and oils like avocado and olive oil.
6)      If you are over 40, get a mammogram. Early detection of breast cancer offers the best chance for a cure. Don’t put off screening because of discomfort or fear of the results. A mammogram should never be painful. To reduce discomfort, try to schedule the exam after your monthly period, when breast tissue is less sensitive.
7)      Avoid overnight work shifts for long stretches. Keeping a regular daily schedule and limiting the number of years that you pull overnight shift works may reduce your breast cancer risk by 33 percent,  continued exposure to light at night is associated with 1.5 to 2.5% fold increased breast cancer risk.
8)      Avoid canned foods, which are lined with the hormone disruptor BPA. Choose organic foods, since many pesticides are hormone disruptors and can end up in food and ground water.
9)      Make sure you actually need that X-ray or CT scan. Both can give important information for medical diagnoses, but there's no such thing as a safe dose of radiation, which is the most documented environmental cause of breast cancer. So be careful to limit medical radiation, and ask your doctor if there are any alternative tests that don't use radiation (such as ultrasounds)
10)   Choose perfumes, shampoos, conditioners, etc., that are free of parabens and synthetic fragrance (which can contain phthalates and synthetic musk).

Sugar activates cancer genes and fuels growth of cancer cells. Try to eliminate sugar from your diet.

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