Monday 30 June 2014

Negative effects of Procrastination

     Have you ever wanted to do something and keep postponing it over and over again? That is procrastination. We often avoid things we don’t like and tend to give an excuse why we will do them later, and gradually later turns to hours,  then weeks, months and even years. You can be certain that postponing tasks will almost always result in unexpected problems .When we decide not to deal with things and put them off, all we are doing is making more work for ourselves in the long run, and increased stress because of all the backlogged work you still have to do. The only thing that procrastination is good at is accumulating problems.

Effects of procrastination
1)      Increased Stress: As a results of always having to put off work till later, the work get accumulated and we get more stressed out trying to accomplish all the task . If we don’t learn to manage stress it may lead to depression and other mental issues that will make our lives much harder.
2)      Health problems: Procrastination has a great effect on our health in the long run. This is because when we finally find out how irresponsible we have been in performing task on schedule, we tend to have sleepless night trying to catch up on work not done thereby, putting much strain on the body.
3)      Debt: Not been able to accomplish a task on time can lead to various financial issues. If we are procrastinating when it comes to paying the bills, this can lead to mounting debt, which may have lasting effects on us.
4)      Job problems: It can also have serious effects on our jobs. Jobs are based on target and deadline, if you cannot meet up with the deadline of a job as a result of pracastinating, there is every possibility that your job will be on the line.

     Lives can be ruined by procrastination. What are you procrastinating? Is it a doctor’s appointment for fear of the test results, or proposing to your girlfriend because of fear of commitment? Be responsible, and take charge of your life.

Just because we avoid completing a task today doesn’t mean it will not need to be done tomorrow, learn not to procrastinate.

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