Sunday 15 June 2014

Untold Truth about diet soda

    We all have the belief that drinking diet soda controls the level of sugar we take which also helps in weight reduction right? But here is what you don’t know about diet soda. Researchers have found out that there is nothing healthy about drinking diet sodas. Sodas are produced with aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose.  But most of the diet sodas contain aspartame which when consumed breaks down in our body system to a wood alcohol poison(methanol)which converts to formaldehyde with heat above 86 degrees f,and the temperature in the human body is 98.6 degree f. These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA. Artificial sweeteners have more intense flavor than real sugar and have the same effect on your body as sugar.

Problems arising from diet soda consumption

1)      Heart problems: Consumption of a regular soda a day could lead to your risk of having a stroke or heart attack
2)      Headache: Aspartame as an artificial sweetener triggers headaches.
3)      No nutritional value: Sodas have no nutritional value.
4)      Increases the rate of diabetes.
5)      Weight gain: Contrary to what is hyped that sodas helps in weight reduction, diet sodas actually helps you gain weight. Diet soda is calorie-free, but it won't necessarily help you lose weight. The artificial sweetners are used to confuse your body system when in fact you are gaining weight and not losing any. These sweeteners trigger insulin, which sends your body into fat storage mode which then leads to gaining of weight.
6)      The acid in diet sodas gradually dissolves the teeth leading to worse dental health.







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